Just a few fun shots of my gorgeous boys and then I randomly added one of Cynthia Rowland Mcclure (R.I.P) and I from one of her Hope weeks in 1997. God I miss her.
It's been a very long and rough week this week. I drive a lot for my job and have plenty of time to think about things and have spent a lot of time this week thinking about my life at 34 and what the next several years will entail. I certainly don't want another miserable 20 years of "ana" up my ass. She has robbed me of so much and contributed to such aweful choices in men that now stress me near daily.
I am slowly learning to live for me and what is best for my boys and that means returning to school this year, starting on my book, diving further into deeper issues with my therapist, commiting to church, reaching out more, and learning to laugh at psycho boy and his antics. No longer can I live with my, MY MY MY, life on hold! I can't control those around me but can live my life and be fulfilled regardless and plan to. I really need to just start living~
your babies are beautiful! And so are you! Keep fighting and shining.
ReplyDeleteHow awesome are you puttin you and your boys first instead of "ana". Going back to school, love your boys, work and church. I believe 2011 is going to be a year of new beginnings!! once you no longer put your eating disorder first, it makes room for friendships and relationships. You so deserve a life of freedom from ANA and a life of new life and health..keep the fight girl!! you will kick ana's ass!! love you sister, cheryl
ReplyDeleteNo offense, but you look.. very heavy here. Gaining?
ReplyDeleteBrande...you are looking more and more beautiful every day (inside & out)..you are becoming more confident, more assertive, more driven, and loving yourself more :) Focus on these things and don't let others horrible comments get the best of you.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely agreeing with Mrs. Boster ... you look great Brande! And your posts here and on fb definitely show that you are growing in many areas! Lots of love coming your way!! Sandy
ReplyDeleteWOW "anonymous" sooooo brave when you don't attach a face or name to yourself..(maybe you have and ED yourself, if you do. I hope you find treatment and self acceptance).
ReplyDeleteBrande you are sooo much more than a number you are a beautiful, intellingent, giving and very loving mother..I blessed to know you..love you sister {{hugs}}
geez, so mature Anonymous... I sure hope your not trying to over compensate for your total lack of BRAINS if you are someone who randomly wandered onto this page, and thought that lashing out would make you feel better, news flash we are all here to listen and will do so willingly, without the hateful comments, so please refrain fromm them, if you are Brande ex-husband... really dude, STOP you make yourself look even more immature than you did 5 minutes ago, there are places to help you feel more like a man, ED clinics, penial enlargement clinics, PYCHO homes.... GIVE IT UP, face it you look like a complete IDIOT! Brande hang in there sweety! You are an amazing girl and a WONDERFUL mom!!!! Love TC
ReplyDeleteHah1 Heavy??? That has got to be the lamest and most untrue thing I've heard yet this year (and ana says a lot to me..). Get a life and get a real name. Brande, I'll keep up the weight gain race with ya, cause you got a long way to go before anyone ANYONE could even begin to think you were "heavy." Love ya girl, I say it all the time cause I don't want you to forget; You are my inspiration. You prove it can be done and your transparency regarding set-backs and struggles makes your battle that much more real and relatable to me, and others. Just think about how hot those curves are gonna look come summer and all the kick-a** summer clothes you're gonna be able to ROCK. (ok, ok, I'm just jealous of your boobs and booty ;) )
ReplyDeleteI am just going to tell you anonymous, you are a sick bitch! Go play games somewhere else!!