Do you ever go back to happier times to when you weren't concerned about your weight or body image? Try thinking back and do something fun to live in the moment and outside of your eating disorder like blowing bubbles or reading children's books!
This blog is just random and thought I would write a sample menu plan for those scared to over do it or under do it or freak at weight gain or maintenance or weight loss depending on your disorder as eating disorders come in all forums.
2 starches
2 protein or 1 dairy
1 fat
1 fruit
or 2 cans of ensure.
1 starch
1 fruit
2 starches
4 protein
2 fats
1 fruit or 2 veggies
1 fruit or 1 starch
1 dairy
1 ensure plus
2 starches
4 proteins
2 fats
1 ensure plus
1 fruit or 2 veggies
1 starch
1 dairy
This is a sample one that would be for someone on weight gain and in the process of being increased again. Everyone is different and seeing a dietician is crucial. Trusting your dietician is even more crucial to just follow it and not bargain with it or skimp on it or change it or freak out over it. ok maybe freak a little but discuss this with your therapist and dietician. What helps me is not to focus on my body and when the throughts creep in I do something like knitting or playing games with my kids or drawing or cleaning. I also journal about it all.
You sound so calm about it all. I'm struggling working with the dietician at the moment and eating erratically...not enough...enough...all over the place...basically freaking out the whole time.
ReplyDeleteNot really sure what to do with the dietician really...haven't even done the homework for tomorrow's appointment. :(
If you trust your dietician then you have to trust her guidance. I was given an assignment to write everything past and present of what I don't and didn't like about being anorexic the past 20 years. I wrote from many ER trips years ago to current battles with gaining etc. I typed a page and a half thus far and realized how much I hate "ana".
ReplyDeleteI have been all over the place and gaining is grueling and painful emotionally and physically but it will pass so I keep telling myself this. I ate dinner with my dietician and cried through it but still ate. Baby steps!